"The Black experience is an integral part of American culture; and the universal appeal of Black stories is becoming more apparent as African Americans make substantial inroads into the motion picture industry. As we look to the future, it is our goal to not only support Black filmmakers, but to promote their work for everyone’s enjoyment! The ABFF is committed to broadening the mainstream embrace of Black culture, to have as great an impact through cinema as we have had through music, fashion and sports."
- Jeff Friday
Founder & CEO, Film Life Inc.
The American Black Film Festival (ABFF) is a four-day retreat and international film market. Founded in 1977, the festival is dedicated to strengthening the Black filmaking community through resource sharing, education, artistic collabaration and career development.
The ABFF was born out of the need to develop distribution opportunities for independent Black films and promote cultural diversity within the motion picture industry.
Visit the official American Black Film Festival website for additional information.